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My pillow collection in 2016

I’m very proud of my daughter and my husband, who helped me to make this catalogue. I enjoyed it very much, hopefully you are interested in too. Check out the catalogue online


If you send me a photo about you or about your children, how they or you enjoy my Masnimesi product I’ll send you a lavender bag by post!

Ha küldesz nekem egy fotót magadról, vagy gyerekedről, amint valamilyen Masnimesi termékkel pózol, akkor levendulás batyut küldök ajándékba!

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I love lavender

You can only love lavender

levi 1

I have 100 of bushes of this beautiful flower in my garden and I love lavender. When we are collecting them with my husband together, that is the most beautiful day of the year. Sun is shining brightly, bees are singing around, and you can smell the violet whist in the  air.

Lavender is the loveliest flower in the world.

Continue reading I love lavender

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Masni Mesi’s big five

Masni Mesi’s big five topics for the blog section!

Masni Mesi’s big five topics are workshops, children interior, lavender, design and inspiration. So in the future posts you can read about my toughts, ideas and tricks that I use while I work.

All my days are like a flowering bouquet. Every leaf hides a new challange that has to be solved with creativity. These small fights make my world a better place to live and creativity is my secret ingredient.

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